September - Golden Age
Superboy Month!!
Unofficially of course, the Golden Age
Superboy will be shown in several classic reprints. His first
appearance, a few appearances with the Legion of Superheros, and another
story "When the adventures of Superman as a boy".
Be sure to check them out!
Countdown of Mercury Falling
Impulse is the race of his life. Max
Mercury's connection to the Speed Force has been severed, and with every
use, Max slowly is dying from it. Enlisting the help of Dr. Morlou,
a theory was made to have Impulse bring Max to the Speed Force and hope
the connection would be reestablished. Pt. 3 of the storyline,
found Bart in a VR connection and the realization that Inertia
and Craydl have caused this sickness in Max and now races to attempt to
save Max. The up coming previews don't show Max coming out of
this. Look soon for a small " R.I.P. Max Mercury" image
to share around the net.
Upcoming Covers

(Superman #163)

(Robin - Year 1 #1)

(Batman Dark Victory #13)
Written by Peter David; art and
cover by Todd Nauck and Lary Stucker
Scheduled for release September 6. Beginning the team's 3-part journey
into space! What will happen to Impulse's brain without air? Is Lil` Lobo
now a part of YJ? In space, can you hear Robin scream? Find out the
answers to these questions and more as our heroes head to the planet Myr
to save a world and free a princess!
FC , 32 pg. $2.50*
Written by Chuck Dixon; art and
cover by Pete Woods and Jesse Delperdang
Scheduled for release September 20. There's a new kid at Brentwood, and
something about him just isn't quite right. But while Tim Drake tries to
find out what's up with the newbie, Spoiler`s trying to find out a few
things herself -- mainly, what does Robin see in Star, and just who is
lurking behind the mask of the Boy Wonder, anyway? And if all that weren't
enough, Tim and the boys go on a little girl-chasing vacation! Fun, sun
and mystery, too!
FC , 32 pg. $2.25*
Written by Jay Faerber; art by Ben
Herrera and Keith Champagne; cover by Tom Grummett and Karl Kesel
Scheduled for release September 20. Guest-stars of Titan-ic proportions
make a cameo in Part 1 of a 2-part story written by Jay Faerber, new
writer of THE TITANS! Superboy's longtime friend Roxy is still in a coma
and getting worse, and no one at Project Cadmus can figure out what's
wrong with her! And they may not get another chance to find the cause when
the Kid is attacked by an alien creature known as Pyra, whose fiery
rampage threatens the entire town of Kurtzberg!
FC , 32 pg. $2.25*
Written by Todd Dezago; art by Ethan
Van Sciver and Barbara Kaalberg; cover by Van Sciver and Wayne Faucher
Scheduled for release September 13. "Mercury Falling" reaches
its shattering conclusion! How will Bart react to the traumatic events of
the past few issues? The answers unfold here, in the most emotional,
shocking and daring Impulse story to date!
FC , 32 pg. $2.50
Written by Devin Grayson and Howard
Chaykin; art by Roger Robinson, Jordi Bernet and John Floyd; cover by
Brian Bolland
Scheduled for release September 20. Part 2 of the 4-part
"Transference," guest-starring Nightwing and Robin! Trapped in
the WayneCorp building, Batman engages in a psychological war with a
stronger, smarter-than-ever Hugo Strange, but the aftermath of this battle
will be a nightmare from which Nightwing, Robin, and the rest of Batman`s
associates may never recover. Plus, a black-and-white backup story written
by Howard Chaykin and illustrated by Jordi Bernet.
FC , 40 pg. $2.50*
Written by Jeph Loeb; art and cover
by Tim Sale
Scheduled for release September 20. The remarkable maxi-series builds to
its shocking conclusion! This issue's called "Revenge," but
revenge on whom? And, for that matter, by whom? After last issue's
shocking turn of events, is it ever going to be possible to discover the
true identity of the Hang Man? And how does Dick Grayson fit into all
FC , 32 pg. (12 of 13) $2.95*
Written by Cary Bates and E. Nelson
Bridwell; art by Dave Cockrum, George Tuska, Mike Grell, and Murphy
Anderson; cover by Cockrum
Scheduled for release September 27. A handsome volume reprinting the
Legion appearances from SUPERBOY (first series) #172-202, featuring the
first comics work by artists Mike Grell and Dave Cockrum, the first two
appearances of Wildfire (then called ERG-1); and the star-studded wedding
of Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel among other highlights.
FC , 232 pg. Hardcover book $49.95
Written by Otto Binder, Henry
Boltinoff and various; art by Al Plastino, George Papp, Ramona Fradon, and
Boltinoff; cover by Curt Swan and Stan Kaye
Scheduled for release September 13. DC Comics opened the door to the
distant future with this historic 1958 issue in which Superboy met the
Legion of Super-Heroes for the very first time! Also in this issue: Green
Arrow faces "The 13 Superstition Arrows," and Aquaman meets the
Super Sea-Squad.
FC , 32 pg. $2.50
Written by Jerry Siegel, Joe
Samachson, Don Cameron, and Joseph Greene; art by Joe Shuster, Louis
Cazeneuve, Maurice Del Bourgo, Mort Meskin, and Bernard Baily; cover by
Cliff Young
Scheduled for release September 6. What was Superman like when he was a
boy? Readers learned the answer in this 1945 issue that featured the first
appearance of Superboy (a story written and drawn by Superman co-creators
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster). Rounding out the issue are Golden Age
stories of Aquaman, Johnny Quick, Green Arrow and Speedy, and the Spectre!
FC , 48 pg. $2.95
Written by Peter David and various;
art by Todd Nauck, Lary Stucker and various; cover by Mike Wieringo and
Terry Austin
stores October 18. The sold-out event is now collected! Featuring all
twelve parts to this age-switching epic featuring Young Justice, The JLA,
The JSA, and more! For more information, see the DCU Spotlight for October
FC, 320 pg. Trade Paperback $19.95
Written by Peter David; art and
cover by Todd Nauck and Lary Stucker
In stores October 4. Part 2 of the team's 3-part journey into space
finds them on the Planet Myrg, attempting to free its populace from a
tyrannical ruler. But the members of Young Justice are in for the ride of
their lives as they end up facing an even larger threat with an unlikely
challenge! Plus, Red Tornado's daughter receives some disturbing news that
will have ramifications on another member of the team.
FC, 32 pg. $2.50*
Written by Todd Dezago; art by Ethan
Van Sciver and Rodney Ramos; cover by Van Sciver and Wayne Faucher
In stores October 11. The tear-filled epilogue to the "Mercury
Falling" storyline. The JLA, JSA, Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E., and others
visit Impulse in an effort to comfort him in his time of loss, and to pay
their respects to a legendary hero who has fallen. How will Bart cope
without his beloved mentor?
FC, 32 pg. $2.50
Written by Jay Faerber; art by Ben
Herrera and Keith Champagne; cover by Tom Grummett and Karl Kesel
In stores October 18. Guest starring The Titans, who attempt to detain
Roxy, whose body has merged with an alien lifeform and threatens to lay
waste the town of Leesburg! Superboy may present the only chance to deal
with Roxy peacefully — but will he stop fighting the Titans long enough
to reach her?
FC, 32 pg. $2.25*
Written by Chuck Dixon; art and
cover by Pete Woods and Jesse Delperdang
In stores October 18. Vacation time! Tim Drake and the Brentwood gang
enjoy sun, fun, girls, and the good life. But the mystery of the new kid
Danny means Tim`s alter ego can`t be too far behind. This action-packed
issue has it all! Robin vs. ninjas! Spoiler vs. her mom! Plus, just what
is lurking in the waters of Gotham Harbor, and why is it so darn hungry?
FC, 32 pg. $2.25*
Written by Howard Chaykin and David
Tischman; art and cover by Mike McKone and Jimmy Palmiotti
ELSEWORLDS. In stores October 4.
Dark workings are afoot as a contingent of the Secret Society of
Super-Heroes decides to rebel against their righteous leaders, leaving
Superman the lone altruist among a group now dedicated to using powers for
personal gain. Only one thing stands between the Secret Society and
anarchy: their newest member, young Bart Allen. And if he alone can stop
them, it`s only by exposing them for the world to finally see.
FC, 48 pg. (2 of 2) Prestige Format $5.95
Written by Jeph Loeb; art by Ed
McGuinness, Paul Pelletier and Cam Smith; cover by McGuinness and Smith
In stores October 4. Part 2 of a 2-part story guest-starring Aquaman,
as the King of the Seas is determined to take down presidential candidate
Lex Luthor once and for all. Will Superman be able to save Luthor from
being a victim of Poseidonis law? Will he even want to save him? Plus, a
special appearance by Young Justice!
FC, 32 pg. $2.25*
NEW TEEN TITANS #1 (Classic - Reprint)
Written by Marv Wolfman; art by George Pérez and Romeo Tanghal;cover
by Pérez
In stores October 25. An all-new team of Titans took comic-book fans by
storm in 1981 with the first issue of the classic run by Marv Wolfman and
George Pérez! Returning Teen Titans Robin (Dick Grayson), Wonder Girl
(Donna Troy) and Kid Flash join new members Changeling, Cyborg, Raven, and
Starfire as they struggle to stop an alien invasion of Earth!
FC, 32 pg. $2.50
Written by Devin Grayson and Alan Brennert; art by Roger Robinson, José-Luis
García-Lopez and John Floyd; cover by Brian Bolland
In stores October 18. Part 3 of the 4-part "Transference,"
guest-starring Nightwing and Robin! Batman…dead? That’s what it looks
like after his confrontation with Hugo Strange. As Nightwing tries to
figure out if he’s still alive, Robin discovers Batman’s personal logs
about each of them, which only leads to more questions. Plus, a
black-and-white backup story written by Batman Animated writer/producer
Alan Brennert and illustrated by José-Luis García-Lopez.
FC, 40 pg. $2.50*
Written by Jeph Loeb; art and cover
by Tim Sale
In stores October 18. The final shocking chapter to the year-long
mystery that answers all your questions! So who is the Hangman? Who lives?
Who dies?
FC, 48 pg. (13 of 13) Prestige Format $4.95
Written by Chuck Dixon and Scott
Beatty; art and cover by Javier Pulido and Robert Campanella
In stores October 25. The first year of Dick Grayson as Robin is
explored, as he faces some of Batman`s deadliest foes — all while
struggling with being a normal teenager and a ward to the rich and
well-known Bruce Wayne. For more information, see the DCU Spotlight for
October Section.
FC, 48 pg. (1 of 4) Prestige Format $4.95